Saturday, August 10, 2013

My first encounter with a Praying Mantis

Saw a Praying Mantis at my college, and I immediately took a pic of it. I was amazed that they actually existed in India lol.

You must be wondering why is it such a big deal to see a Praying Mantis in real life? Let me share some facts with you.

Few facts about the Praying Mantis:
- During mating the female partner eats the male partner(most of the times). First eats its head then devours its body.

- The Praying Mantis has 5 eyes. 2 big ones and 3 small ones between its big eyes.

- Its named 'Praying Mantis' because it is a theist and it believes in god and also prays all day long. No that's not true, its named because of its physical appearance.

My friend and I also tried to capture it and pet it in our lab, but it ran away. Here is a video of it:

  So you learned about 'Sexual cannibalism' today. I wonder why do I always give my readers weird things to read?
Anyways thanks for reading, leave a like, a comment and some awesomeness.

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