Okay, so first of all, I would like to tell you what is a dark humor joke...
In the most simplest terms: its a joke on a sensitive topic, such as cancer, death, babies, rape etc.
Now people don't like them because of OBVIOUS reasons. I like reading them, not in an psychopathic kind of way, but I like reading and knowing/understanding the humor behind the joke. Humor is always been my thing and I love exploring different types of humor in any kind of joke; whether lame, stupid, jokes etc.
So let me share some examples of dark humor jokes with you.
Woman delivers baby. Doctor takes the baby, and throws it, smashing around the hospital room, drop-kicking it, etc. Mother starts freaking out, being held back by nurses, begging "WHYYYY!!??". Doctor holds baby upside down by the ankle and says "I'm just messing with you, it was born dead".
So a guy is walking with a young boy into the woods.
Boy: "hey mister its getting dark out and I'm scared"
Man: "how do you think I feel, I have to walk back alone"
Okay, I know some of them are quite messed up and you maybe really feeling bad these kind of jokes. But some of you really liked them and want to read and crack more of these.
If you didnt like them then: dont read more of them, it will only make you feel that people are cruel and give you a negative view of the world we live in.
If you liked them...
Dark humor jokes are jokes and JUST JOKES ONLY. They are not meant to harm or hurt someone, although they indirectly they do.
NEVER crack a dark humor joke in public -
People will literally hate you and think you are a bad person even if you are not.
Now I would like to share an embarrassing/funny experience with you:
Once I was giving a presentation on 'Nerve cells', I was giving the presentation well and good. After a first few slides the topic got boring and to make things more interesting I showed them a picture of a 2 year old baby who was born without a brain. And I said the following words without thinking -
"This is a baby born without a brain, its more like a vegetable."
The 2 teachers were in shock, and the classmates were like 'WTF, did he just say?' - and there I was just standing awkwardly. Instantly, in my defense I said that, "I didnt say it, it was written by some cruel guy on the internet from where I got this picture."
After that I finished my presentation, went to my place and didnt say a word for a very long time.
NEVER crack a dark humor joke in public, EVER !