Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My teaching blog and a few points that make up a great teacher

Teaching in a way others cant, that's what will make students love you the most. Anyone can explain a few things directly from the text book, but only a few can actually create crazy similes or examples that make a student interested in a subject.

One of my favorite teachers used to say - Its the teachers fault when a student isn't listening to his/her lectures. And I completely agree with him, a teacher has to make a strategy for each and every lecture so that the students listen to the lecture. A lecture which has the main topic blended and camouflaged with jokes, a story or chalkboard art.

I feel sad when the I see many of the great students who have very good potential for teaching never teach. Some have that charisma that can attract a crowd when they speak but lack the knowledge. Some have the knowledge which needs to be shared but they have stage fear. Teaching is a tough job. I still remember my first lecture - I had stage fear, was scared if the students will like me or no and so on. And everyone has to over these obstacles to become a good teacher.

Here are a few autodidactic points which I believe makes someone a great teacher -

Knowledge - Self-explanatory, if you don't have the info you cant teach... Judge the students and interpret their questions before the lecture.

Humor - I am not implying that the students should laugh on your jokes here, but what I simply mean by humor is that you should have to skill to make the students smile with your one liners or clever comments or crazy examples.

Strictness - You need to have control over the students, over the class. If you have to punish someone to make others quiet, I would say do it. Show an angry face if you have to, throw someone out of the class if you have to but always keep them under control.

Expression strategy - Show the students how much of a passion you have for teaching; use props, use creative drawings, or mnemonics - to make them understand better. Your ways of expressing the subject should be amazing. Plan a good expression strategy.

Extra-knowledge giveaway - Always and always give them some topic-related extra knowledge, it can be a story of the past, or a real life application -  in short something the other teachers cant or wont give them. And I have noticed they always prepare  to listen with wide open eyes whenever I tell them I will now give them extra knowledge.
