Monday, October 27, 2014

3 inspiring quotes on how to deal with loniliness!

I have been alone in most of the times in my life, and at times loneliness gets me. These are a compilation of quotes which I read and feel inspired and not so lonely! Have fun reading them, share them if they helped you!

Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for.

Negative emotions like loneliness, envy, and guilt have an important role to play in a happy life; they're big, flashing signs that something needs to change.

I've also seen that great men are often lonely. This is understandable, because they have built such high standards for themselves that they often feel alone. But that same loneliness is part of their ability to create.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Heart warming friendship day message

Thank you for this amazing message. It was totally unexpected and I really liked it a lot. I have tagged this status in my blog so that it doesnt ever get lost in my facebook newsfeed.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Learnings from losing a high priced cell phone!

So once I was traveling in train - rush, people everywhere. I was wearing my headphones and listening to something, as I boarded the train the sound got cut off, and I realized that my cell phone had been stolen.

It was a high priced phone and I was heart broken at that time. Somehow I made it home. The incident made me angry and bitter for a couple of days. I tried convincing myself that it was fate, it was meant to happen and so on. But nothing quite seemed to work, I was still a bit upset about it.

Everything reminded me about that phone - google maps that I used to see on roads while traveling, its alarm clock, the every minute checking of whatsapp messages and email notifications and even the flashlight which used to accompany me every night in the dark!

But later this incident taught me really valuable and amazing life lesson - forgetting the past and dropping the weight of an incident that impacted you.
The past lives only in your head and nowhere else! So you have to learn to forget the past and that incident. Bad incidents happen all the time, but we have to learn to let go of the weight of negative emotions that we get by that bad incident. We just have to let that go because it is not going to serve your life.

I also have a pic of me and my cell phone. I am extremely thankful to Ankita (whose Samsung Note 2 was stolen, and I used to make fun of her, so much for karma...:) for purposely adding cake on my phone screen, and due to that I  HAVE a pic of me and my cell phone. (:

This pic was taken just 1 day before my phone got stolen this pic was actually clicked my fate lol

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My teaching blog and a few points that make up a great teacher

Teaching in a way others cant, that's what will make students love you the most. Anyone can explain a few things directly from the text book, but only a few can actually create crazy similes or examples that make a student interested in a subject.

One of my favorite teachers used to say - Its the teachers fault when a student isn't listening to his/her lectures. And I completely agree with him, a teacher has to make a strategy for each and every lecture so that the students listen to the lecture. A lecture which has the main topic blended and camouflaged with jokes, a story or chalkboard art.

I feel sad when the I see many of the great students who have very good potential for teaching never teach. Some have that charisma that can attract a crowd when they speak but lack the knowledge. Some have the knowledge which needs to be shared but they have stage fear. Teaching is a tough job. I still remember my first lecture - I had stage fear, was scared if the students will like me or no and so on. And everyone has to over these obstacles to become a good teacher.

Here are a few autodidactic points which I believe makes someone a great teacher -

Knowledge - Self-explanatory, if you don't have the info you cant teach... Judge the students and interpret their questions before the lecture.

Humor - I am not implying that the students should laugh on your jokes here, but what I simply mean by humor is that you should have to skill to make the students smile with your one liners or clever comments or crazy examples.

Strictness - You need to have control over the students, over the class. If you have to punish someone to make others quiet, I would say do it. Show an angry face if you have to, throw someone out of the class if you have to but always keep them under control.

Expression strategy - Show the students how much of a passion you have for teaching; use props, use creative drawings, or mnemonics - to make them understand better. Your ways of expressing the subject should be amazing. Plan a good expression strategy.

Extra-knowledge giveaway - Always and always give them some topic-related extra knowledge, it can be a story of the past, or a real life application -  in short something the other teachers cant or wont give them. And I have noticed they always prepare  to listen with wide open eyes whenever I tell them I will now give them extra knowledge.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Motivational and inspirational book haters - Don't hate them!

Some people don't like fiction books, some don't like sci-fi books and some don't like books at all. But the most interesting thing I have come across in my life is that people don't like motivational/inspirational/life transformation books too....

And how do I know that? I read these kind of books all the time, and many people around me have literally asked me not to read it. (Shocker: including my mother, BUT she has told me not to read it just because I could invest my time in something else like prayer etc lol) And most others just tell me that its stupid, worthless, time-consuming, pointless to read a book on motivation or life transformation.

All of the books of this category rely on the basic moral science that we have already learned in school and is known by everyone else - here are a few examples
- Always be honest
- Do hard work
- Manage your time well
- Dream big
- Failing doesn't make you a failure

This is the basic reason why many people don't like these kind of books, because they already know most of this stuff and they feel its pointless reading it - and I agree with them. This stuff is repeated again and again BUT with different perspectives and different ways! And thats why I love reading them, I like picking a few quotes or lines from them so that I can tell someone the same when they are feeling low or need some kind of verbal help from me.

And most of my friends always message me on whatsapp to seek motivation or inspiration or  'I am sad, cheer me will you?' - and I love helping them. I always try to cheer them up with a quote/story from a book. ;)

I had also read an article which said that people who read these kind of books have low self-esteem and feel they are not using their full potential or something like that - But I think that's rubbish! And even if that is the case, they are trying to improve themselves so that's a good thing, right?

So if you are a Motivational and inspirational book hater, don't be!

I would like to end this blog with a few powerful motivational lines/quotes which I have read in many books.
  • Learn to accept the apology, that you never received.
  • Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for it to kill your enemy.
  • Casual attitude leads to casualties. 
  • The soil says, 'Don't bring me your need, bring me your seed.'
  • Tough times don't last, tough people do! 
  • Its not what you leave for your children, what what you leave in them.
  • At the end of our lives we all ask, 'Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?'
  • Our days can be much happier when we give people a bit of our heart instead of a piece of our mind.
  • If you learn from defeat, you haven't really lost.
  • If you aim at nothing, you will hit every time.
  • You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want. 
And my favorite one is -
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Have a top picture comment with 1000+ likes on a famous facebook page - Done

Special thanks to Dave (:

Monday, April 14, 2014

Support PETA ! - eyy guys

eyy guys,
dis gui wunts halp

so der ez dis gui named peta,
whu luvs animals alot

he ezz doing alots of crazi thingz
2 save and help animuls

but i m disappoint, becasue only one guy
named peta is working alone

we need more support more help
me is an an atheist bt i knw if yall halp animal
god will halp you


Friday, April 4, 2014

Not Another Self-Help Book - Summary and best quotes by IfuM

This summary was made by me for myself so that I don't have to re-read the book again and again because I have lousy memory and usually keep forgetting things.

Also this blog is for those of you who think self-help books are a "waste of your precious time" - so this is a summary for all save your time read my hand picked and hand typed points.

I love this book because this book has great sense of humor and comic-type cartoons, and I love both of them. I am eternally thankful for the one who gifted it to me.


Is your life going to be a gripping bestseller or a resignation letter?
(This is the Chapter 1 title which I found the most inspiring when I began to read this book)

The only qualifications you need to read this book are:
A sense of humor

As every parent will testify, parenting is without question the hardest job on the face of the Earth - and children don't come with instruction manuals.

Responsibility is not a burden. Obligation is not a martyrdom . OK?
(I love how the author asks us"OK" in the end)

An employee is having a review. Her boss does not mention her performance.
Mind reading: "He doesnt rate me", or "Nobody gives me the praise I deserve."
Shoulds, musts and ougths: I should work harder", or "He should notice me more; he doesn't respect me"
Actual reason for event: Boss is an idiot.

The language of change is hopeful, optimistic and gentle.

Communication is not trying to win an argument.
Communication is being honest, respectful and seeking a compromise.

Relationships need better communication the same way plants need water and light.
For people who dont know Mohammad Ali.

Assertive people don't cross their arms, clench their jaws and their fists and look like they're about to go in the ring with Muhammad Ali.

You can be sad, but you can allow yourself to hope. You can mourn but allow yourself to laugh.

Retirement and unemployment-
Now that our lives have changed do we look on it as an ending or a beginning?

Take your time but dont procrastinate-
How many times do we really need to sharpen that pencil before we actually start writing a letter?

Lets go a bit crazy-
I dont expect you to do anything too dramatic, like running off to Australia and be a sheepherder.

While I wouldnt argue with the fact that "stable and happy" is a good thing, I think that the benefits of going a bit crazy and being happy too are always undersold.
(Dr House says Normal is overrated - and I feel thats true)

Now it wasnt as if I'd decided to become a brain surgeon and spent five years working on the docks to pay for it, or anything particularly heroic.

Now there are limits to what we can and cannot do, dont get me wrong - at 5ft 4ins, I'm never going to play professional basketball, for example.

Experimentation can be seen as a practical application of creativity.
(This quote help me realise that experimentation and creativity go hand in hand.)

*"*  Which album would you prefer to listen to: Life is Grim by the Unfortunates, with songs such as Tough Times Ahead, Its Gonna Get Worse, How will I Cope? and Misery - or, Dreaming by The Happy Weekends which includes their hit songs Everything is Possible, It All Starts Now, Happy To Be Mad and Welcome To The World? *"*
(My all time favorite one)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Apple Tablet

eyy guys,
i am sick and wants ur halp !

ppl sae: apple 1 day, doctor away
n so me searched apple on inturnet

i found that dey giving appul tablet
i order it and it came to my hoem

but i dunt knw wut to do wit it
it is a appul tablet and maed of steel

also it costed a lot of money
and it is nt a tablet nor maed of apple

how can i consume its?
pls halp

-IfuM (c) 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

eyy guys - Cancer, Aries, Pisces, Virgo, Taurus, Gemini and more

eyy guys,
me belive in equality,

yesterdae i vent to train stn,
n i see dat der is a speical cumpartment fur cancer ppl.

i mean wat da hel guyz !
y du publics born in julai get special treatmant ?

y dnt oder zodiacs get gud treatmant...
pie-sus, 2rus, capcorn, G-mini and oders get bad treatmant?

all shud b equal.
liek to not suport dis injuistice

-Mufaddal IfuM Dewaswala (c) 2014

eyy guys - want justice?

eyy guys,
so mi wus at kourt the oder day.

soum man wus shouting 'i wants justice!'
judge sed 'u hav no proof'

stil da man wus very sad
and again he told 'i want justice!'

so stud up finally, vent 2 da court kitchen
came bak, n threw ice on de man's face

and said 'here is your ice, but y u want just ice?'
if you want more go to antratica.

now mi is in jail, wants a bail.

-Mufaddal IfuM Dewaswala (c) 2014