Some people don't like fiction books, some don't like sci-fi books and some don't like books at all. But the most interesting thing I have come across in my life is that people don't like motivational/inspirational/life transformation books too....
And how do I know that? I read these kind of books all the time, and many people around me have literally asked me not to read it. (Shocker: including my mother, BUT she has told me not to read it just because I could invest my time in something else like prayer etc lol) And most others just tell me that its stupid, worthless, time-consuming, pointless to read a book on motivation or life transformation.
All of the books of this category rely on the basic moral science that we have already learned in school and is known by everyone else - here are a few examples
- Always be honest
- Do hard work
- Manage your time well
- Dream big
- Failing doesn't make you a failure
This is the basic reason why many people don't like these kind of books, because they already know most of this stuff and they feel its pointless reading it - and I agree with them. This stuff is repeated again and again BUT with different perspectives and different ways! And thats why I love reading them, I like picking a few quotes or lines from them so that I can tell someone the same when they are feeling low or need some kind of verbal help from me.
And most of my friends always message me on whatsapp to seek motivation or inspiration or 'I am sad, cheer me will you?' - and I love helping them. I always try to cheer them up with a quote/story from a book. ;)
I had also read an article which said that people who read these kind of books have low self-esteem and feel they are not using their full potential or something like that - But I think that's rubbish! And even if that is the case, they are trying to improve themselves so that's a good thing, right?
So if you are a Motivational and inspirational book hater, don't be!
I would like to end this blog with a few powerful motivational lines/quotes which I have read in many books.
- Learn to accept the apology, that you never received.
- Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for it to kill your enemy.
- Casual attitude leads to casualties.
- The soil says, 'Don't bring me your need, bring me your seed.'
- Tough times don't last, tough people do!
- Its not what you leave for your children, what what you leave in them.
- At the end of our lives we all ask, 'Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?'
- Our days can be much happier when we give people a bit of our heart instead of a piece of our mind.
- If you learn from defeat, you haven't really lost.
- If you aim at nothing, you will hit every time.
- You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.
And my favorite one is -
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.