Monday, July 22, 2013

eyy guys - impact of internet in our lives.

eyy guys,
me wants 2 shar exp of life.

internet and its pawer to change publics life.
hou inturnet changed 2 lives, 1 atheist and 1 theist

der was no inturnet 4 5 days in both condition
the theist and atheist wer very sad, day and nite dey were sad, sad, sad.

so on 6th dae atheist looked up and told 'if u xist then giv me inturnet'
and thesist told 'plz i wants inturnet.'

on da same day inturnet came for atheist
but not for thesist

and so today the atheist ez theist n theist is athiest.
both changd religun due 2 inturnet.
dat is da power of internut.

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