In this blog, I would like to share not only mine, but every content creator's feels (I know that feel bro) who has uploaded funny pics on a Facebook page - because I know some of them personally.
Motto? - Everyone has a different motto to why they are being a content creator, giving away precious time uploading a few funny pictures for laughter of some one else. The motto is simple at first, its fame, don't judge, you would do the same. Let me just put it as 'recognition by others on the internet.'

The funny thing is, we get happy when we get likes and shares on a photo we have just shared. And at the same time an offensive comment toward that pic will make us angry and sad. The photo was never our creation, but we shared it, that's a feeling. That's a feeling of a content creator, we are judged and we judge ourselves by our upload choices, and for each photo we are very protective.
But in the end it is a fun job, the part where you can put up your own creative/cool/sarcastic caption also delivers the joke and humor with more efficiency. The whole process of uploading a picture and then getting comments on it, the increasing number of shares, comments... feels are amazing.
If you are a content creator at humor page on Facebook you can surely relate to this, in some or another way! (: