Thursday, June 14, 2012

2/1001 Style - Water Splash Text

Water Splash Text style

Monday, June 4, 2012

OP is a faggot - Internet Meme Phrase


Well, I am a usual visitor of 4chan and I love keeping knowledge about memes.  "OP is a faggot" is a internet meme/phrase which I use sometimes but people dont get it :| and it spoils the joke completely. So I blogged about it.

The first thing you have to know is that who the hell is OP? Well OP is 'Original poster' in other words the 'thread creator' in internet forums or on facebook is the person who posts a picture\content.

"OP is a faggot" is used when a lame/stupid thing is posted by the OP. People also use it as a method of trolling. It is also used when the picture/content put up is repeated or very common. So now that you have learned what it really is start using it xD

Some examples:
"Hello faggot police, its OP again!"
"Dear diary, today OP was a fag"
"OP; a wild faggot appeared"

People also do a lot of reposting from 9gag. So to troll them usually 'OP is 9fag' or 'OP is 9fagger' is used.
GG guys have fun.

 Now that you spread the word, gimme some likes !

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Epic video - 'Get by' Music video by Ian Robertson


Hey guys, as you know I love creativity and I would like to blog about the music video of 'Delta Heavy - Get By', directed by Ian Robertson. The video is all about creativity and hardwork put together, with some good music. The video is all about butchering toys and classic games like scrabble, chess, guess who etc. And the toys and games kinda dance with the beat that makes the video even more lively; the toys act like the equaliser.

Some great facts about the video:
  • 11,008 photographs were taken for the film.
  • 3,184 photographs made the final cut.
  • 80 Rubik's Cubes were hired for the shoot.
  • 10 hours to animate 18 frames of the Rubik's Cube equaliser.
  • 148 Subbuteo men hired for the shoot.
  • 99 Red Balloons by Nena is the vinyl record in the opening sequence.
  • 160 pick-up sticks are equalised.
  • 4 hours to shoot the hungry hippos being minced.
  • 12 photographs per second appear in the film.
  • 6 hours to plan and shoot the camera dolly in on the minced Subbuteo.
  • 32 days were spent animating.

Oh my god, thats some hard work put in video, isn't it?
Well check out the video, its pretty good.